Simons Says
I lied about the humor part. I thought I wanted to write that, until I saw a Dr. Phil show about cults and my childhood experiences flooded my psyche and I'm keen to write it all down now. It's proving to be more difficult than I imagined, but my sis fortu
I've decided to concentrate on a humor piece, my Lost piece being a heavier topic. I find that in breaks it up for me, going back and forth between serious and light. However, I'm finding myelf to be not so humorous. My dogs are the focus of the topic of the moment, but the story is not shaking out to be the way I'd like to come across. I'm trying to discover my own voice and it's proving to be difficult. Oh well, time to get back to the drawing board. Complaining, I suspect, is just another tool in my arsenal of time wasters. One good thing! It's Valentine's Day! I had the pleasure of waking up to a tear-jerker of a card and chocolate.
I'm just thrilled to announce that Lost Magazine has agreed to publish my piece in an upcoming issue!  Thanks to all who helped me attain this goal!
So, this is my first blog ever.  I'm very excited as I just submitted one of my recently polished essays to an online magazines yesterday. With the wonderful help of my writing class, I feel it came out well (imho) and I'm just happy to finish something, even if it doesn't get published.


    I just recently started taking a serious writing class with an excellent teacher and fantastic classmates and I'm thoroughly enjoying it!


    February 2011
    January 2011



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